Moonshot Research project has been launched for achieving Goal 5: creation of a global food supply industry though sustainable farming by utilizing natural biological resources by 2050.
Our project, “Building a platform for sustainable farming through environmental control based on the microbe atlas of soil”, with Haruko Takeyama of Waseda University as the project manager, contributes to the greater goal of the moonshot project; “Technical development of a sustainable food production, circulation system through biological measures, i.e., utilizing microbes and insects, by 2050”. We have established a consortium of five research groups, “Soil Microbial Atlas”, “Crops (Soybean)”, “Artificial weather chamber construction”, “Social Sciences”, and “Network analysis and Agriculture management” to construct a platform for sustainable farming that realizes the regenerative agriculture with minimum chemical fertilizers and pesticides. With this sustainable farming platform based on soil management, we aim an innovation in agriculture food production.