Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022 で当プロジェクトの研究成果を2件発表します。
- [AGE30-02] 11:00~11:15
Modeling soil-water and heat transport of rain-fed soybean fields under different hydroclimatic settings throughout Japan
〇A T M Sakiur Rahman1(1RIKEN CCS),Shoichiro Hamamoto2(2The University of Tokyo),Hirotaka Saito3, Kenichi atsumi3(3Institute of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology), Takemasa Miyoshi1, Naoto Nihei4(Fukushima University), Yasunori Ichihashi5(5RIKEN BRC)
- [AGE30-05] 11:45~12:00
Seasonal variations in soil gas concentrations and fluxes at two different soybean fields.
〇Yuka Sugiura1, 〇Shoichiro Hamamoto1(1The University of Tokyo), Naoto Nihei2(Fukushima University), Toshinobu Taira3, Takashi Hirayama3(3Fukushima Agricultural Technology Centre), Hisaya Matsunami4 (4Tohoku Agricultural Research Center), Yasunori Ichihashi5(5RIKEN BRC), Taku Nishimura1(1The University of Tokyo)